

About This Site

This site presents and discusses  the natural ways that can help the human organism to balance and strengthen its auto-healing mechanism. This mechanism is powerful, brings about balance and reverses freedom-limiting symptoms in all 3 areas of the human expression:  mental, emotional, physical.

The natural methods presented here are:  Classical Homeopathy, Holistic Nutrition, natural dietary Supplements, Reflexology, Buteyko Breathing, Detoxification, Fasting, Bach Flower remedies. Primary focus will be given to Classical Homeopathy due to its remarkably restorative and regenerative powers and due to the complexity of its laws.

Marios Protopapas 

Conditions Treated

The vast majority of people with conditions that don’t involve a damaged organ/tissue, can be helped by a proper homeopathic treatment. Proper Homeopathy can help especially those persons with conditions that fall under the category “psychosomatic disorders’, meaning conditions that are caused or aggravated by emotional conflicts, anxieties, fears and /or other mental-emotional factors.


Frequently Asked Questions

Homeopathy is a natural healing modality that aims to upgrade the human organism in all of its dimensions, mental, emotional and physical. It uses special diluted preparations called ‘homeopathic remedies’, which are proven to be very safe.

Homeopathy can help bring about balance, increase the level of health and unfold the true potential of a person in the unique way his/her organism functions. It positively affects mind, soul and body making it the ideal modality for all kinds of psycho-somatic disorders.

They can work together supporting each other synergistically or they can work alone as complete natural health modalities. It is up to the patient’s needs, condition and decision whether he/she will use the one, the other or both.

Of course not.  In fact you shouldn’t. The aim is to first improve the organism’s health status, increase the vitality, improve sleep and mood, decrease symptoms when possible, and after the organism’s status is better your medical doctor can re-evaluate your condition and possibly start to decrease or even stop the medication regime. This is a step by step process that always prioritizes your safety.

This depends on the organism’s strengths and weaknesses.  Some people don’t really need to alter any of their habits, but others will benefit greatly if they do.  Substances like caffeine, camphor, naphthalene and electromagnetic fields like electric blankets can interfere in the organism’s effort to regain coherency and start cleansing and improving the body’s status. They can halt self healing. Sometimes small sacrifices can repay you with essential big gains in your life, so most people find that shifting to decaf coffee was really a small price to pay for the improvements they later enjoyed in their health, emotional status and quality of life.


P. C. Rome, Italy

“Competente, professionale, attento e scrupoloso. Persona disponibile, empatica che mette il paziente a proprio agio e se ne interessa a 360 gradi. Davvero ammirevole la qualità dell’approccio umano, nonché la chiarezza e completezza delle informazioni fornitemi sugli approcci terapeutici. Assolutamente consigliato.”

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