Homeopathy is a natural healing modality that aims to upgrade the human organism in its totality, acting on all three spheres of human expression: Mind, Soul, Body.

Homeopathy was introduced by German dr. Samuel Hahnemann  (1755-1843) during the last decade of the 18th century.  Hahnemann discovered that a substance that can create symptoms to a person can cure these very same symptoms if given in trace / diluted amounts. He called this phenomenon “like cures like”  a phrase that was used by the ancient Greek doctor – and father of medicine – Hippocrates (460-377 B.C.)  τα όμοια τοις ομοίοις εισίν ιάματα*

In homeopathy, the means we use to help the organism are the homeopathic remedies.  A homeopathic remedy is a special preparation of a natural substance, usually taken from the plant, mineral or animal kingdom.  The substance has to undergo a special process called ‘potentization’, where it is diluted and agitated many times until only ultra tiny amounts or even no amounts of this substance can be found in the dilution.  Strange as it may seem, the more diluted/potentized the substance  the stronger it becomes and the deeper it’s action can be.

Homeopathy, if applied correctly, can strengthen the self-healing mechanism of the organism of humans, animals, and even plants. The self-healing mechanism can help organisms overcome various health challenges. Homeopathy is of great merit especially in psychosomatic disorders  – disorders where the emotional blockages and emotional status play a role in the appearance of bodily symptoms –  and can provide great help to people with various chronic ailments.

Homeopathy, if applied correctly, can be a tool of personal development as well. Fears,  anxieties, and worries can be lessened,  the strength of will can be increased and a feeling of communication with our true self arises as the treatment goes on. Thus, homeopathy can accompany any self-development tool or it can stand by itself as a means for personal and spiritual growth.

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