Naturopathy describes all the natural means we can use in order to give the body the proper circumstances it needs to bring about self healing. The term Naturopathy consists of two words: latin word ‘natura’ (nature) and Greek word “pathos’…
The vast majority of people with conditions that don’t involve a damaged organ/tissue, can be helped by a proper homeopathic treatment. Proper Homeopathy can help especially those persons with conditions that fall under the category “psychosomatic disorders’, meaning conditions…
Homeopathy is a very serious discipline for both the Homeopath and the receiver. If followed properly it will revitalize and increase the level of health of the receiver, restoring his mental, emotional and finally physical balance. Further, proper Homeopathic Treatment…
Homeopathy is not a way to mask the pain, to numb or to avoid the pain. Because pain is just the tip of the iceberg and not the cause of any disease. We are educated that we have to just…
Homeopathy is a natural healing modality that aims to upgrade the human organism in its totality, acting on all three spheres of human expression: Mind, Soul, Body. Homeopathy was introduced by German dr. Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) during the last decade…